
Everything you need to know about Dutch roses

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Everything you need to know about Dutch roses

Today, various flowers, including roses, have many fans in the world, and roses have different species and varieties that reproduce this beautiful flower due to its popularity in most regions of the world. Planting Dutch roses requires special care, some of which are mentioned below.

Dutch rose planting and care

Planting a Dutch rose is one of those things that requires expertise and experience, and after planting a Dutch rose, care must be taken to maintain and grow this beautiful flower. Dutch rose with the scientific name Rosa hybrida is one of the varieties of roses. Roses, as well as Dutch roses, are used for various purposes. For example, it is used for a good perfume that is relaxing. Also, this flower has therapeutic uses and for this reason its essential oil is among the most expensive essential oils in the world. Therefore, planting Dutch roses is one of the most important tasks in the world.

Dutch roses are one of the most beautiful flowers that have beautiful and large petals and come in different colors. to be Dutch rose has a very good fragrance and has many fans.

Important characteristics and specifications for planting Dutch roses

Planting Dutch roses is important in many ways and has many fans. This flower has a lot of fragrance and is a very suitable flower to keep in the garden and home gardens. The Dutch rose grows easily on the side of the wall and climbs. The height of the Dutch rose is about half to one meter.

The Dutch rose grows better alone and grows less when it is next to flowers and other plants. Therefore, it is better to be careful when planting the Dutch rose that this flower is planted alone so that it can reach the flowering stage.

The Dutch rose needs a lot of direct sunlight. Therefore, it must get enough light. Otherwise, it will not grow enough and will not give flowers of good quality.

This flower has growing conditions in most soils and is compatible, but the better your soil is, the better the flower will grow.

How to propagate and plant Dutch roses

1) Propagation by seeds

which is used in order to obtain new cultivars or for grafting. Sowing is done in the autumn. They are not green due to not getting enough cold. One year of seedlings left, and in the spring of the second year, take them out of the main field and in lines with a distance of 1.5 meters and plant distances of 10-20 cm. meters and are ready for transplanting in June. 2) planting rose seeds in two times planting rose seeds for Increasing it is used. One is to obtain new types and the other is to plant nestling seeds to prepare young and healthy rootstocks that can be transplanted. The bushes have left. These fruits are the result of flowers that have been starved in a different way, or due to the presence of many different types around them, the process of starving has been done on them in the middle of autumn, when the fruits are fully ripe, before the onset of cold and They pick the frost.

The sign of rose fruit ripening is when the fruits turn orange. But it should be known that in some types of roses, especially tea hybrids, the fruits turn hard and in general, the time of fruit ripening varies depending on the breed, region and place of planting. Ripe fruits should be planted at the same time of picking, in the middle of October or November (because the seeds of the rose fruit lose their potency very soon after picking).

If the seeds are not fully ripe and the air If that area is cold, in order to complete its natural ability, the seeds are placed on sawdust or slightly moist soft sand layer by layer until it is ready for germination (stratification). Planting the fruits is divided into four parts with a grafting knife, the seeds are taken out, and in order to know what kind of seeds they are planting, so that after greening and flowering, it becomes clear that new varieties have arisen between them, the seeds of each Plant the variety in a separate special treasury and identify its species with a label.

The container in which the seeds are planted is more suitable if it is in the greenhouse. Otherwise, you should use special seeding troughs. The tank or trough is filled with decomposed soil that they have prepared before and smoothed over it, the seeds are arranged in orderly rows on the soil, some of them use 100 to 150 grams of sulfur and some bisulfide sulfate and a little chemical fertilizers are added to the soil of each tank.

Amateurs, to be careful and prevent the occurrence of animal and fungal pests, fertilize the soil of the tank two months before planting with They do this by disinfecting the solution (formula) or by injecting sulfur dioxide at the time of planting so that they do not suffer from the mentioned pests after the plants turn green. After the seeds are arranged on the soil, they should be pressed slowly with the palm of the hand so that the seeds adhere well to the soil and cover it with a 1.5 to 1.5 cm layer of sand and irrigate the tank. br>
Seeds turn green from 30 to 90 days after planting, depending on its different types. After greening, watering should be reduced so that the roots of the bushes, which are very delicate, do not rot, until the weather is cold and frosty, these bushes should be kept in the greenhouse or under the chassis. After the weather becomes favorable, they are taken out and planted in another tank with longer distances or they are planted separately. " or "other parasites were observed on them, they were fought with a solution of two nicotine sulfates or other poisons to prevent the plants from weakening and to grow faster

After the plants became strong, Second, they are either planted in a special plot with a distance of 50 cm or placed in larger pots until they start to flower.

When planting these seeds, depending on the situation of the region, it is one of the months of Mehr, Aban and Azar or late March, so that they do not lose their medicinal properties, the seeds should be dried immediately on sand or soft coal layers. At the right time, plant the seeds in large plots where the soil has already been prepared and is deep enough. If the seeds are planted in the fall, it is better to cover the plots with a layer of broadleaf to prevent the penetration of cold and freezing.

3) Propagation by cuttings

The cuttings should have 1-3 nodes to delay the growth of the upper axial bud, only the upper leaf is kept to ensure good rooting and provide the necessary food for the grown shoot. Its semi-wooden cuttings take root easily. Some roses, such as yellow and purple roses, their cuttings hardly take root, so they are increased through grafting. Usually, the creeping and miniature types and other roses except the top one have good rooting

To prevent collar gall, they are placed in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 minutes. In order to be able to obtain healthy and strong plants for the base in a shorter period of time or to increase one of the types of roses in the absence of a base for transplanting, they have chosen cuttings.

Cuttings of some breeds and Different types of roses give results with ease and take root in a short period of time, and with this tool, you can get a number of the same type or type. 4) Grafting and transplanting br>
Co-grafted plants are still common, these plants can produce larger and good quality flowers in a short period of time. Propagation of plants by grafting is a small part of propagation in the world because greenhouse costs are high and plant care is expensive and workers are not available to maintain the plant in these countries

Also grafted plants They need a long breeding period before producing high quality flowers. In Germany and the Netherlands, propagation by grafting is still an important propagation method. Because in these countries the light conditions are unfavorable for flower production.

The best base for plant grafting is Rosa Manti in America and Rosa Canina and Rosa Indica in Europe, Israel and Iran (in America it is called Rosa Adurata). From the transplant, the base shoot is cut from 1/3 above the transplant. Six weeks later (in the greenhouse), when the transplanted bud produces flowers, the base shoot is completely removed. From the grafting of a softwood scion, a leaf is placed on the base of a dormant plant with a hard root, which is the base of Rosa canina inermis.

5) Split or abdominal grafting

Split or abdominal grafting is done at the same time and in two ways.

1 - Split grafting with an awake bud >
2- Abdominal grafting with sleeping bud

The season of grafting with awake bud is from the first of June to the end of July, when the flow of vegetable sap makes it easy to open the skin from the wood and after taking the graft, there is enough time for The growth of the branch and the ripening of its woody core

The time of abdominal grafting with the dormant bud is from the beginning of September to the end of October, which is another season for the awakening of the bud and its development. After taking the graft, it remains dormant until the spring, it starts to grow and develop in early April.

The autumn graft should be protected from freezing in the winter (so that the graft does not freeze in the winter by starting cold, they cover it with a layer of frozen paraffin) and because it starts to grow at the beginning of spring, its branches are stronger and have enough time to reach the brain of the branches. It is easy and consists of removing the scion from the desired branch with a grafting knife and placing it in the slot given in the shape of (T) on the base and closing the slot with the skin removed from the base and tying it with a soft string. It is better to take the scion from a branch that has flowers or buds.

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