The foot is the foundation of the body and we take help from the foot for the smallest movements. Therefore, we must be very careful when buying shoes. If you have not taken care of your feet until now, it is not too late. Pay attention to the following tips to buy the right shoes and take care of your health by buying comfortable shoes today. 1- Shoes should match the shape of your feet.
We start with the most important point, a suitable shoe should fit your feet perfectly in terms of length and width. Most importantly, the toes need enough space to move comfortably inside the foot. But it's the opposite with heels because they need to be firmly supported. Having strong heels is one of the most important factors in ensuring a well-fitting shoe. 2- Buy shoes that are made for your feet. Shoes should be made of soft leather as much as possible. As soon as a shoe starts to wear out, it means that the shoe is not suitable for your feet. Never be fooled by the idea that "they expand over time". A pair of shoes should fit perfectly inside the shoe. 3- Take your time when buying shoes.
Check the shoes from all points of view. Like the seams inside the shoes that may have bumps or hard parts and cause you discomfort. Many shoe manufacturers do not fully insole their shoes to cut costs. Therefore, you should take time to buy shoes and check them thoroughly to buy the right shoes.

4- Make sure that the sole of the shoe is flexible. Once you have chosen a shoe with the right length and width, you should pay attention to the shoe having a soft upper and a flexible sole. Flexibility means the ability to bend. You should do the bend test. If you bend the shoe (i.e. bend the heel and toe towards each other) and the sole takes a V shape, the shoes have exemplary flexibility.
5- Both Try on the shoes
Usually the feet are not the same size. Right-handed people usually have a larger right foot, and the opposite is true for left-handed people. This is why you should always try on both shoes. Additionally: Shoes get longer and wider with age. As a result, shoe sizes change with age, which is why you need to keep an open mind when buying shoes. If a shoe fits, it doesn't matter if it's a size bigger or wider than the previous pair. Shoes produced by different brands have different sizes. It is important that you feel comfortable in the shoes.
6- The best time to buy shoes is in the afternoon.
The size and shape of your feet change depending on the time of day, especially on hot summer days when swelling can occur. Therefore, it is better to buy shoes at night and run a little before so that your feet swell a little before wearing them.

7- Try to buy shoes with leather uppers.
Pay attention to whether the shoes are made of synthetic materials or natural leather? Humans release a lot of sweat from their feet every day. Therefore, it is essential that the shoe has the ability to exchange air and absorb moisture. Leather is a natural product with unique characteristics. No other material is so flexible and can easily absorb and release moisture. 8- Buy the shoes suitable for the shoes you want to use.
We all know that the shoes we buy for a party are completely different from the shoes we use for walking. So, when buying shoes, pay attention to the conditions you are in, then choose the right shoes. For example, a shoe with a flat heel is suitable for walking. 9- Buy from famous brands.
Usually famous brands produce shoes that are standard in all respects. From the material of the upper to the sole of the shoe, they pay attention to even the smallest details, such as the stitches on the shoe, the appropriate arch for the sole of the foot, and many other points. So you can be a safer choice. 10- Wear socks.
When buying socks, wear the same socks that you want to use with the shoes because it is possible that the shoes will be tight with those socks.